3 Day Literary festival ‘Bodhi- The Enlightenment’ concludes at DPS Bokaro

Bokaro : With the objective to enhance public speaking skills of the students and teach them to be articulate while expressing their thoughts and opinions, DPS Bokaro organised ‘Literary Fest – ‘Bodhi- The Enlightenment’ from 24 August 2022 to 26 August 2022.  The three day event witnessed enthusiastic participation of students of Secondary and Senior Secondary sections.

On the first day the Inter House English debate was organised on the topic ‘More Information leads to more confusion’. The students put forward their views on Day 2 on the topic ‘विषम परिस्थितियों में ही हमारा मार्गदर्शन होता है’ in the Inter House Hindi Debate competition.

 The fest concluded today with The Inter House Spelling Competition that exhibited the conscious and lexical presence of the participants.

 Principal, Mr. A. S. Gangwar highlighted the importance of participation in such activities that builds confidence and prepares the students to be able to make reasonable and well thought statements. He added that it also develops the communication skills along with essential critical thinking skills. He emphasized on learning the art of transforming the adverse situations into opportunities.

The Literary week had an enlightening effect on the students. The curious brains were made aware that writing is not enough for excellence. If you have the will and diligence even the negligible magnifies success.