DPS Bokaro celebrates 76th Independence Day with Patriotic fervour.

Bokaro : Remembering the martyrs of freedom struggle and their immense contribution in Indian Independence, DPS Bokaro celebrated ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahatosav’. The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’.

The national flag was hoisted by Principal, A. S. Gangwar in the school premises which was followed by the rendition of the National Anthem, School song and patriotic songs. The entire campus was decorated with beautiful fluttering flags and balloons.  The celebrations which commenced on 11 August 2022, witnessed the enthusiastic participation of students from both the wings. The students of Senior Wing waved the Tricolour as patriotism resonated in the air with  slogans of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Matram’ during the Prabhat Pheri.

 The Primary wing was cloaked in patriotic fervour as students enthusiastically participated to pay tribute to the National Heroes, their energy and warmth was a testimony to the same. With the demonstration of handmade flags, posters and write-ups, the tiny tots expressed their patriotic zeal. Prayer, Shlokas, beautiful dances, speech and songs marked as important events for the celebrations. On the occasion, students of Deepansh Shiksha Kendra- a school run for the children of the marginalized sections of the society also showcased their patriotism through songs and prayer in the special assembly.

Addressing the gathering, Principal, A. S. Gangwar said, “As the nation celebrates ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahatosav’ it is imperative that students realize their contribution in making India a superpower. The initiatives like ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ is undertaken to evoke patriotic fervour, but such initiatives can be fruitful only when every child understands his responsibility towards the country and acts as a part in the direction of building a prosperous nation.” He urged that everyone should strive to preserve the harmony and integrity of our motherland and stand in solidarity to uphold the spirit of freedom.