Touch the Light

‘Spirituality’ an obligatory innovation for our contemporary education.

By: Avinash Tripathi, TGT Physics, Sunbeam English School, Bhagwanpur, Varanasi.

Our earlier system of education had a sense of social responsibility and a sense of commitment so that the social requirement for all variety of work was balanced, this balance seems to have lost somewhere in present system. Whatever developments and conveniences we enjoy through science are the result of a dedicated system of education. At the same time, whatever difficulties and crimes we face in the society today are due to serious lack of value education and spirituality in our system of education. It is time we gave a serious thought to this issue at the national level and emphasized the role of value and spirituality in our education at all levels of schools and colleges. The upbringing of a spiritually and morally healthy and well-rounded person has always been in the center of attention of any educated, intelligent and intelligent nation, people and state, and is the basis of that nation and state.

There are so many chances of misunderstanding when we are thinking about spiritualism in connection with education. What is spiritual education? What are the objectives of spiritual education? The answers of these questions may not property answered due to lack of knowledge/information. The very first and basic misunderstanding says that ‘spiritual’ education is religious education but in reality the religious education and spiritual education are different. The differentiating factor of religion is the principal, belief and methodology, restrictions and special religious institutions. Wherein it is a specialty of spiritual education that it possesses a belief that there are so many areas in conscious, semi-conscious and sub conscious mind, which are above all beliefs, systems, methodology and which can be utilized by methodological and scientific approach, the realization of religious height is possible. The direct signal of spiritualism is the simple attitude and strong determination. In this consciousness, there is a deep breathing of globalization, determination and thinking, which is free from religious observations, beliefs, views and egos. All these attitudes do not relate to religious say social or religious institutions. In short, religion attitude and spiritualism, both are totally different from each other and there is a hairline difference.

The moral imperative

Our world today is caught up in a vicious circle. Most of the problem it faces is interlinked and each one of them feeds up the fire of others. They are tangled and intertwined so much so that it has become very difficult to extricate the world out of it. One of the reasons why we cannot solve or lessen the rigor of these problems is that we do not supply or do not have a solution. In other words our approach to our problem is not holistic it is piecemeal. We try to make use of solutions for each individual problem separately and the result is that in the meantime other problems Increase and brings from the back door the problem that we are trying to tackle. We find that our knowledge of nature and its forces has tremendously increased during the past few centuries but our moral and Spiritual development has not kept pace with it. As a result our relation at interpersonal inter communal and international level have greatly degenerated. The present crisis is therefore mainly a moral crisis. All our current problems arise from lack of moral and spiritual strength and absence or lack of cooperation.

If, therefore, we wish to reduce sufferings in the world or eliminate them totally or in other words if we wish to build a better world then we have to create the necessary moral climate and to build up goodwill and cooperation on a global scale.

Whatever has been said above with regard to human conduct , brings clearly to our mind that it would not be out of place to briefly mention here some of the values due to which man is considered human as a distinct from other species.

  1. Forgiveness, mercy or compassion. If we keep a little into this work a day world, we don’t find anybody perfect in all respects On the contrary; we find some deficiency or shortcomings in everyone as also some laps in everyone’s conduct. Thus if a child does not learn to forgive a lapse On the part of another, he or she cannot expect to be forgiven by others, then, on another occasion, he or she becomes guilty of Laps themselves . Hence, to repent for laps and correct oneself as well as to forgive another lapse is the way to make not only one’s own life happy but also assure friendliness from others.
  2.  Willpower for self-change – The question of once in a transformation is linked to the strength of one’s willpower and the resoluteness of one spirit. One of the weaknesses that results in spiritual ruin of a child is that the child postpones the implementation of certain decisions even though these were made by him or her voluntarily and are for their own lasting good.
  3. Work ethics – Since a major part of a child day is spent in their professional activity of school it is therefore essential that we bring this behavioral change or inner transformation to their profession that means their stud. The education system needs to bridge the gulf between the private morality and the public morality.
  4. Sustaining the attitude of respect – It is not difficult to realize that giving and having respect is an essential ingredient of happiness and the salient feature For a child better future. But, in the face of many irritants, and provocations, one can retain and nourish this quality provided one keeps in mind the following factors.

The spiritual and moral upbringing necessary for the development of society and the perfection of the individual does not arise spontaneously. In this regard, spiritual education should be a leading component in the education of school students. Morality is a form of social consciousness, a set of rules of behavior and etiquette that govern people’s attitudes toward themselves, their families, friends, community members, and nature. The effect of this behavior on inculcating the rules of etiquette in the minds, lives, and lifestyles of students is called moral education. Young mind such as those of students have various kinds of questions about spirituality because they find that there is lot of controversy and confusion regarding God, soul, world, karma, mortality and the way of realizing the self or having experience of God. In today’s social milieu, when people do not hesitate to deprive others of their rights and treat them barbarously, and like to see vulgarity and nudity demonstrated everywhere. The solution of the emergency, from which mankind is passing nowadays is there with spiritualism. “Mind in a best way gives perfection to soul & body”. So, I humbly advocate that to get rid of all mental! Problems and to get complete awareness about whole, spiritual education can be instrumental.

Some of the creatively practical ideas that are helpful to inculcate the spiritual and moral values through spiritual education And are also noteworthy let me read a few;

  • Values come from what children see in their parents
  • Charity always begins at home as parents and educators are the role models idols have always been in the stone. It is for the artist to remove the waste and the needless.
  • Knowing ones to identity and realizing it in practice is a spiritual intelligence.
  • To maintain inner calm and let go in paradoxical situation is being successful.

Last but not the least

  • Meditation is the cultivation of self-awareness.

In order to conclude I must submit in that “lamenting the dead and controlling the Bereaved family is no solution to the issue”. And secondly “One has to face the problem head on and in this context we need to distinguish between convenience, material comfort and happiness”. Perhaps therein lies the root of spiritual empowerment that is going to lead us to a empowered future.