Education and Technology
By: Dharminder Manon In today’s Era Education without Technology is not at possible. During Covid we all have equipped ourselves to reach our students virtually through...
By: Dharminder Manon In today’s Era Education without Technology is not at possible. During Covid we all have equipped ourselves to reach our students virtually through...
By: DHARMINDER MANON Education should be a joyful journey. We must explore our students in collaboration with the Parents, keeping in view that the child enjoys,...
In the modern era more and more people, especially youth are becoming addicted to social media. As per a recent study, the screentime spend by youth...
BY: DR. ANILKUMAR B. To make use of the learning is to apply the learning, the last step of cognitive transfer. This assumes that the understanding...
By: Kumar Satyam, NIFFT, Ranchi 2 of the most insightful lines in the movie Super 30 were, “Kya banna chahta hai?” “Kamai to sabse jaada computer...
By: Mahi Nigam, Class 12, Delhi Public School, Bokaro Steel City Mobile phones were first invented with the purpose to make our lives easier by facilitating...
By: Aditya Bhakta, DPS, Bokaro. Today’s generation is extremely curious about the world and has a natural thirst for learning and exploring. Today’s youth is digitally...
By: MAHI NIGAM The journey within is not an easy one, rather it has its joys and struggles. It is a challenge for it requires us...
It was 2019. Then, there was a pandemic. Quite a lot changed in the field of education. Classes and examinations went online. Parents had to provide...
President of Kala Prakash, NGO, Varanasi. By: Ashaz Daud, Student, Author and Poet from Delhi Public School Varanasi. “The artist sees what others only catch a...