In the modern era more and more people, especially youth are becoming addicted to social media. As per a recent study, the screentime spend by youth is six to eight hours a day whereas a healthy screentime outside work should not be more than 2 hours. Applications like Instagram, Snapchat come with such addictive features that people are hooked and reluctant to leave it. The flip side is privacy loss,unhealthy sleep patterns etc.Through such applications companies get access to one’s mobile phone’s usage data and try to influence the people’s choices. And if one is not vigilant enough, there are malicious sites which can steal personal data from your phones.

One of the most common negative impact of social media is sleep deprivation. Teens who are using social networking sites all day had poor sleeping habits, according to a lot of research and surveys. They sleep late at night when their mind get exhausted from using these sites, and as a result, get up late. This disturbs their daily life cycle. While using social media sites, teens also get anxiety and depression issues due to increasing cyberbullying comments by strangers.

While using such sites,people have to be alert and should also have the knowledge of choosing what is right to do. Not being alert can cause being scammed by scammers or hackers. Hackers use different methods like Phishing, Malware Injecting etc which will cause you to loose all your data or money.

If used appropriately and cautiously social media can be a great way to interact with people. You should limit your screen time and wander back into the physical world. Make social networking more of a benefit than a curse especially for teens.

About the Author: Japjot Singh is a 14 year old who loves listening to rap and it has become his passion. He aspires to become a writer/poet/rapper. He also practices creative writing in his free time on different topics. He is a class 9 student of Sarala Birla Public School, Ranchi.