Our Pride, Our National Anthem

Most of the theatres do not play national anthem before a film is screened. In a time when the country is divided on so many issues, the national anthem can be a unifying force. The Supreme Court in 2016, ordered all cinema halls across the country to play the national anthem before the screening of films and that all present must “stand up in respect” till the anthem ended. It said the practice would “instil a feeling within one a sense of committed patriotism and nationalism.”

Being from Maharashtra, I still recall the excitement to reach the cinema hall, before the message used to pop up ‘Please stand up for the national anthem’. We all religiously stood up or froze on the spot. Post “…..jaya jaya jaya jaya he”, out of nowhere someone would shout, “Bharat maata ki….” and almost simultaneously used to come the unanimous reply, “Jai”. Children, senior citizens, youth, women, no one wanted to be left behind from this feeling of patriotism and shared pride. For me, the national anthem is and will always be an important part of the movie-going experience.

It’s just a matter of 52 seconds, to remind us about the sovereignty of our motherland. Moreover, the song itself is stirring and beautiful that speaks to every soul of India. The anthem urges us to wake up from slumber and helps in reviving the strife and countless sacrifices which our freedom fighters underwent while waging the war for independence.   

Our Pride, Our National Anthem… Jai Hind!          

Author: Aarav Raj S Jayanty
Grade VII
Sarala Birla Public School, Ranchi