
Author: Shivansh Raghuvanshi, Sunbeam School, Varuna, Varanasi.

When most people hear the term Relativity, they think of the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein-although not wrong it’s a very specific and scientific approach. Infact relativity is not just about science and complex mathematics equations, it’s a very common phenomena throughout our lives. 

As humans we tend to observe and perceive everything through our own perspective, may it be a sport, food, hobby, person or anything else in genral, everyone has a personal opinion regarding the same. All the while neglecting the opinion of someone else. This the exact reason why there are separate fan bases of different football teams. That’s not all however, the fact that there are almost 8 billion people on the planet accounts for so many different opinions, communities, personalities, preferences and ideologies. At a point, uniting such a diversity seemed impossible, that was before the internet. With the power that each individual of this generation holds, the internet is one of the best places to invest it in. It becomes easier to find the people you need for a particular task. All of a sudden, we can be surrounded by people with same interest/character. 

Ironically this seems to contradict the concept of relativity, however it does not. What it does contradict is uniqueness. A particular way of looking at a person/thing is relative to a lot of people. For instance, if you ask a person from 2021, “What do you think about Adolf Hitler.” You will most likely receive “I think he was a terrible person.”  Now if u ask the same question to a Nazi solider from WW2, he would consider him a GOD. This complicates the matter even further as timeline, place and people are factors deciding whether something is good or bad. Moreover, this seems to be true in cases of certain acts that violate human rights including discrimination, slavery, child labour etc. All these acts were considered common and were accepted as normal at some point in the past but are now discontinued. 

Does this mean that certain acts that are normal today might be seen as unforgiving and disgusting in the future………maybe yes or maybe not. In the end it comes down to the time, place and person to decide. This proves that people are neither the same nor unique, they change their opinion according to the circumstances that they face and consequences that follow. 

Everything is relative unless and until you mention the perspective- Albert Einstein

About the Author: Shivansh Raghuvanshi, Class 11th, Sunbeam School, Varuna.

Debater, Ardent Reader (science non-fiction), Aims to pursue cosmology.