By: Mahi Nigam, Class 12, Delhi Public School, Bokaro Steel City

Mobile phones were first invented with the purpose to make our lives easier by facilitating faster communication; later, with the advancement of technology, the functionalities of mobile phones have increased considerably. The phones have become ‘smarter’ with time, serving the purpose of a gaming device, and a reliable camera besides having so many exciting features.

Mobile phones have become so useful that they have become an integral part of our lives. They are extensively used by students for numerous purposes such as taking lectures, surfing the internet for both educational and entertainment purposes, etc. They help students in connecting with their loved ones from any corner of the globe. Through social media, students nowadays can connect with different communities from all over the world, which opens a wide array of learning opportunities for them. The digital revolution has made mobile phones such powerful devices that one can order anything, from medicines to food items, from the comfort of their home with a click.

But as always, with good, comes bad. Mobile phones also have some cons, which are hazardous for the young generation, such as affecting their eyes, curbing their imagination power and making them dim-witted. In addition to these, the biggest problem regarding mobile phones that the youth is facing is their addiction. Most students today remain glued to their mobile screens for a very long time. They forsake their studies and other important work just to keep themselves trapped in the virtual world of their phones. The ever-evolving algorithm of social media sites keeps them busy scrolling through their feeds endlessly. The algorithm keeps supplying videos or stories of the user’s interest, mostly sexually arousing or comedic content. The same goes for games.

The advent of engaging and skill-demanding games has led the youth to be predominantly occupied with playing games for almost the whole day. Though the boom in the gaming industry has opened up a lot of career opportunities for gamers, most students consider gaming as a time pass, even though they are willing to spend the best of their time playing mobile games.

What is usually a matter of 5-10 minutes to get some updates about one’s friend circle, becomes an hourly affair. In the worst cases, people do not even have the willpower to keep their mobile phones aside after some usage. They keep on using it for some or the other purpose until and unless the phone’s battery gives up. Mobile addiction also brings forth an interesting irony – Mobile phones, as well as social media, which were developed to connect people and bring them closer, now serve in making the youth feel forlorn. The youth today is disconnected, both from nature and their families.

It is mostly the duty of the parents at home to take care that their child is not overexposed to the fascinating world of mobile phones. They should avoid using phones and other such devices to keep their infant busy. This adversely affects children as they develop the habit of staying glued to their mobile screens. The schools should also conduct workshops spreading awareness about ‘Mobile Addiction’.
Students must also remember that – ‘The mobile phones which are supposed to serve us can become our masters if not used wisely.’

The Author is a class 12 student of DPS, Bokaro Steel City.