To my friend, Bon Voyage!

Although excited but lost

were our hands,

until they found each other

inside a classroom full of them.

Thereafter, we became friends

like no other

reading, writing, playing, eating, chatting,

and spending every minute

in the school together.

I can remember myself

at your humble abode,

for delish food and never-ending games,

from Hide and Seek to the ‘Game of Life’.

Neither can I forget your

childish blackmails,

nor your beautiful present

that’s hung on the walls of my room till date.

As time flew by, those hands,

grown up, could not hold tight

and in no time

were lost again.

Dear friend, I want you to know,

these hands were picked up and caressed,

Alas! None could match the warmth, solace

and purity of yours.

Today, when an amazing

voyage is on its brink,

I feel blessed to have begun

this journey with you,

with an immortal friendship.

Author: Mitali Singh.
“I am an 18 year old student pursuing engineering subjects, and also someone who loves music, dance and sometimes penning down my feelings in the form of poems.
This poem is about my best friend in primary school, and I couldn’t find a better time and way to tell her what she has always meant to me.”