Encanto- Believe in the Magic inside You

By: Rashna Rani Baruah

Recently I happen to watch an animated movie Encanto (A Spanish word for enchantment). Probably many of you reading this at this moment have already watched it. What is so special about the movie – “Believe in Yourself.” Cliché, right? Believing in oneself is the first step towards success. And if it is already expressed in the movie then why are you wasting your time reading this piece here? Well, hold on. Isn’t there a difference between knowing ‘what to do’ and knowing ‘how to do’?  Yes, undeniably. Then how do we shift it from “what” to “how”?

 What actually happens when we believe? According to some research, “believe is a creative process that turns your belief into reality. When you believe that a miracle is going to happen, your life cannot deny it and ultimately life creates a reality out of your belief.” However, explaining this process of turning words or thoughts into concrete reality is not that easy. In reality, this question has haunted scientist for eons and the precise answer is still something under the research. It can, thus, be again left to be a matter of faith.

It is said that the life of human being itself is no less than a miracle. Starting with our internal physical functions to the limitless capacities of brain- it never failed as to amaze us. Realizing the very concept of our existence is even mesmerizing. If this is so, then, why at times, we fall short to understand the illimitable fountain of potential flowing within us? Why, at times, we feel that words like ‘miracles’ and ‘magic’ are applicable to only a chosen set of human beings?

The foremost reason being, most of the times, we do not give ourselves enough time to analyse or introspect. We lack in our efforts to find out what actually we want to happen with us. Our endeavour is mostly limited to ‘mere desires’. If we manage to give a little more time to ourselves, whenever possible, we will get to know ourselves well thereby channelizing our energy toward achieving our goals. Here, ‘a little more time’ may differ from person to person but at the end of the day it is worth putting all that hours of toil.

Secondly, being busy in our mundane life, so many of us hardly get time to recognise or acknowledge the miracles which are occurring to us from time to time. Here, while using the word ‘miracle’ if you mean to refer to see a Porsche in place of your Honda City overnight, it will be better coined insanity. We need to learn to acknowledge the miracles surrounding us and actualize them to be blessed. We need to stand in front our own mirror and make our blessings ubiquitous. Find happiness in small things and be thankful for whatever you have, for success comes with joy and peace.

Last but not the least- work! Believing in something and not working towards achieving it is like something waiting in front of a mountain and expecting it to create a way for you to go across. With belief comes 100% dedication in action. Those who have tasted success so far, remind us of assiduous efforts with unfathomable pain.   Be prepared, for whenever opportunity knocks at the door, give it a warm welcome.

Thus, you see the magic is inside you. You are solely responsible for what you do with whatever you are bestowed upon. So, believe in the fact that life is a miracle, the most precious blessing people know of. “Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.” Hal Elrod.

About the Author: With 12 long years of experience with the tender minds, Rashna Rani Baruah, is a passionate teacher presently working at Delhi Public School Bokaro Steel City. She likes to interact with young minds and motivate them towards achieving their goal. Besides being an avid reader, she is a positive thinker and believes in spreading joy and happiness with it. You can always find her high on spirit of life.