By: Samridhi Pratap Dubey, Delhi Public School, Bokaro Steel City.
Time is the most spontaneous continuing course of existence often taken as fetterless, boundless, infinite and sometimes even cyclical. Time is the symbol of change and represents reality. It is the cosmic rhythm which is inherent in every element of the universe which an individual perceives through aspects of creation and destruction in one’s life that is basically the history, the current indivisible time and the forthcoming. Everything happening around in the nature and the surroundings, like the sunrise, sunset, the different phases of moon, movement of the celestial objects, all are expressions of time.
The passage of time is probably one of the simplest aspects of human perception. Time has always been associated with the passing of seasons and the cycles of celestial objects. And yet, modern physics does not have any special rule regarding the passage of time. Of the many philosophical assumptions in physics about the nature of reality, none is more mysterious than the existence of time. The reason is that the origin of time is linked to the most basic knowledge of self-awareness, the knowledge that one exists.
The present can be defined by the process of becoming correlated, being entangled with our surroundings. The arrow of time, then, is an arrow of increasing correlations. If time essentially consists of two different kinds of non existence (the past or the “no longer”, and the future or the “not yet”) separated by a nothing (the instantaneous and present or “now”), how, then, can we talk of time as actually existing at all? Many researchers believe time to be a paradox and an illusion where both future and past are recognized to be combined and simultaneously exist while others believe it to be a dimension independent of events.
Time is a mystery although there had been several researchers’ discoveries and theories about time throughout human history yet no one is able to understand the true nature of time.
Consequently, one can say, Time is the perspective of an individual as how the events play out depends on one’s own thinking (whether we are in a hurry, relaxed, gripped by an emotion or bored stiff) which also exerts a dynamic influence on their experience, motivation, and several aspects of behavior. Thus, it is only through work that one can hold a specific moment, make it special and carry forward with him/her to make it eternal. So live every moment, for it captures the essential beauty of our very existence.
Woww welldone my daughter♥️
Didi you’re best ❤️
बेहद ही शानदार शब्दों का चयन और उससे भी अधिक शब्दों को कतार में पिरोना आर्टिकल को और भी जायदा शुशोभित कर रहा है। जीवन में आप अपनी इस निपुण कला का प्रदर्शन इसे ही करती रहें और जीवन में खूब तरक्की करें।
अपने आप को परखना और अपनी प्रतिभा और उत्कृष्टताकांक्षाओं को पूरी तरह से विकसित करना और अधिक से अधिक सफलता प्राप्त करना अच्छा है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है की सफलता वह भावना है जो आपको द्वारा अच्छी तरह से किए गए कामों से मिली है, और सबसे बड़ी बात किसी भी काम को पूरे लगन से करना शायद ही तुमसे बेहतर किसी को मैने देखा हो। ऐसे ही निष्ठा और भाव से आगे बढ़ो और खूब तरक्की करो।
मुझे गर्व है तुम पर और हमेशा रहेगा। आई लव यू बेटा वेलडन
To be honest, I don’t know how you manage to do such a good job every single time. Very well done!
You continue to exceed every expectation that we set. very well done my swthrt Rudri
Inspiring and incredible thoughts about time…really proud ✨❣️
Good one
Such a vivid thoughts about the existance and scenario of time. Wonderfully executed with words. Best wishes for samridhi
Influential piece of work…superb!
Eye catching and astounding article⭐
बहुत ही अच्छा लेख लिखी हो बेटा बहुत सुंदर शुभ आशीर्वाद ऐसे ही आगे बढ़ो
Very nice
A beautiful piece on time
बहुत ही सुन्दर लेख
Wheel of time is expressed magnificently
By the way, you have written excellently on the topic of time. Nevertheless, many things about the usefulness of time have been told and heard in the form of proverbs in the society. As time is very strong, time changes. Time is the greatest wealth. Whatever is appreciated for your article is less. Best wishes for your bright future.
Such a wonderful thoughts on time
Amazing and Excellent
Clear, concise, and complete!
Dazzling, Dedicated ,Delightful and Desirable efforts in fine style .It looks like you’ve put a lot of work into this article.
Impressive work .
Proud of you bachaaa❤️❤️
Outstanding, mind opening and gracefully done. Keep going
Proud of you
Bhaut accha beta
Your perspective is refreshing.. Keep it up
The way you penned down about time is really amazing
Noone can explain the wheel of time but you have explained very beutifully nd technically nd i’m very impressed with the points nd concepts which you have mentioned….very well done nd keep going champ
Best wishes for you baccha
Keep it up
keep it up samridhi
Very good impressive work samridhi
Wow didi great work
Great work
Very eye catching and interesting article, good job☺️☺️
To be honest, I generally don’t read. But, this article caught my attention