Online Education System: Benefits, Challenges & Way Forward

Author: NILOPHER NAQVI –  Literary Head , Head of Debating Society and PGT English at Sunbeam  School, Varuna, Varanasi.

Online education program saw its emergence in 1989 when the University of Phoenix began using Compu Serve. There was a rapid increase in the late 1990’s with the advance of the online technical revolution and the need to provide equal access to educational opportunities at the fore, correspondence education took a major turn and this is how online education came into existence where computers and the internet why used as a delivery mechanism with at least 80% of the course content delivered online. Universities and colleges began experimenting in online courses so the online education became an integral part of Higher Education.

Outbreak of covid-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown the schools closed down for almost year but learning didn’t stop. Many platforms flashed immediately for virtual learning and teaching process like ZOOM meeting Google Meet and Microsoft Smart classes which brought School and students on one platform.

In the midst of fear due to pandemic excitement among teachers and students was pitch high. Teachers without any apprehension quickly learnt Technology and became tech savvy to remain connected with their students.

Online education has not only changed the landscape for the city dwellers but has greatly impacted the learners in the remote areas. The traditional brick and mortar institutions have existed for ages but the online education has become a new normal now and it will continue to be a part of school and college education in future.

Online education system has been making knowledge accessible to more than just privileged ones. Just as financial assistance and academic scholarships make education attainable and possible for those who you are unable to afford the cost, online education makes education attainable for those who are unable to join the traditional school or college education.

Different kinds of mobile and web applications available devise teaching pedagogy for better learning outcomes, to name a few ,Web White Board, Ed Puzzle, Pocket ,Google forms Survey Monkey , Padlet, Mentimeter , Exit Ticket and many more have made online teaching ,learning and assessments easy  and convenient for teachers and students. Quick responses and evaluation give a Clear View of students’ learning progress.

The online classes give teachers and students a plethora of Ed Tech tools to make learning collaborative and interactive.

There can be times when online classes can take away zeal and make students easily fatigued.

Some methods like story telling, ice breaking session, group projects, synchronous and asynchronous learning, links to various learning websites and platforms, inviting guest speakers, eye yoga, simple physical exercises and meditation, adding humour and fun element elevate the mood and spirits of the students and break the monotony of an online classroom.

Motivational videos, animation based on stories and different concepts, Slideshows, PowerPoint presentations, quizzes make classes on virtual platform extremely lively and give successful learning outcomes.