Are you bothered about choosing the right career? Want to be successful in life before you turn 30? What does it really take to be successful? In my opinion, people can achieve whatever they want, if they stop underestimating themselves. One can get inspire by someone successful around them, learn from their struggles and beautiful stories about their hard work. Success is lead by the steps of hard work, smart work and luck but most importantly, one needs to have patience to wait for the things to happen. Everybody has their own unique definition to success and similarly, for me success is to see my parents smiling because of me and to give them everything I can.
We can work on ourselves by adapting regular habits to take our initial steps towards success:
We start dreaming since the day we are born. We dream for the things we want to have or achieve in life. Keep writing or make a list of the things you want, maybe get yourself a doctorate degree, or travel along the world, having a business or work under a corporate sector, big house or maybe a vintage car, good savings or home filled with happy faces. It gives you clarity about ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT IN LIFE?
Dreams do not set any limitations on you; it makes you ready to create your own reality. Dreaming big is good when you turn little things into the reality, you can start with everyday goals and then plan for long-term future goals in life. Dreams do not cost you anything and having a special plan for yourself is a good way to motivate yourself in life. It keeps you going, even when you lose something, dreams do not stop coming.
Today, most of the people are engaged with work, either they are working under someone or someone is working under them. One can be anything a social worker, corporate employee, housewife, cleaner, banker or CEO of a multi-national company. A person can have any designation or position but what is important is that whether they are dedicated towards their work or not. Do things with love think it as your own and such attitude motivates you to put your 100% towards the things you do. Be responsible for the things that need to be done.
Be committed and always seek for growth. Whether you are working somewhere for past 5 years or recently joined a startup company, what is more important than the salary is your personal and professional growth that keep you going in a long-run. Growth explains about the things you’ve learned and have certain amount of knowledge about the things you’ve worked for. Constant practice can lead you to success.
No matter, how old you are? What is your current income? What is your position in the company? One thing remains unchanged is the learning part. We are just a particle of dust and universe has so many things to offer. Every day we learn something or the other from different people, places, animals, nature, etc.
Always be open to listening to new ideas, use your personal knowledge where it is required and work efficiently. Either we succeed or we learn from our experience, if you fail once, try again and again, until you succeed. Keep learning and growing, as growth is inevitable and the opportunities are immense.
Life revolves around the low and high tides, the ups and the downs, the winning and the losing. Life is something that is never constant, some days something might not just work for you but giving up at the situation is never an option. You might be very qualified but no company is hiring you as their employee, or let’s say, you just got fired or loaded with work and have no time for yourself. We all have been through something or the other, you cannot compare who has a bigger problem but what matters is that how you tend to deal with it. It takes a lot of courage to get back onto your trembling knees but giving up is never an option. Keep growing and going until you achieve the impossibilities.
Every successful story has tasted failure and created their own reality in the world filled with great possibilities. You can be whatever you want and do whatever you like, just never stop believing in yourself because you have the power to change the world around you.
Drastically, words that you empathize all seemed to be engrossed and worth it. Loved the formation of Sentences.
All the best for your
Literary journey.
Very nice and inspiring Dolly ❤️
Delightful ❤️
Very nice