Author : Bhavini Gupta , Delhi Public School, Varanasi.

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”Gloria Steinem   

I have often taken pride in admitting to others that I live in the century, where women are not discriminated against or restricted from enjoying any opportunity, well mostly. But keeping the recent events in mind, from the taxi driver scandal to all other comments and posts on social media, I get the feeling that while women worked excruciatingly hard to reach a decree of equality, the younger generation, somewhere along the path misunderstood the suffrage movement.

‘Feminism’ was a pure and intense movement initiated by women because they did not wished to be objectified anymore. Succeeding from the state of ‘Better seen and not heard ‘to taking part in rallies, being eligible to complete all kinds of jobs, Women did come a long way. The term ‘Feminism’ in its purest definition asked equality between men and women, to enjoy equal rights and to face equal disadvantages of life, nothing partial or biased, same thing for everyone.

But now, this generation of young women, take the term ‘feminism’ to ask for way more things than equality, they have now begun to greed superiority. Getting the benefit of the doubt doesn’t mean we use it wrongfully. There is a proper idea of what a gentleman is, with a code of chivalry, manners and respect to all other humans, and undying love for his family and job. But there has not been a proper idea of what a gentlewoman is , well I think that a gentlewoman is someone strong , extrovert , socially active and a person who stands up for her decisions and does not worry to own up to her mistakes . I think that is the kind of person every young girl should aspire to become. It often feels that now, men are not equal to women, and believe me when I tell you there might be a time where men have to start movements asking for equality , using their power of gender.

‘Feminism’ is now feared amongst the younger generations , a term that means women can get anything by arguing or it is a term that causes unnecessary drama and I hate to acknowledge the fact that the women who are supposed to be our role models are failing us time and time again . I do realize that women are still discriminated against , but I ask you , haven’t we become powerful enough to help those who haven’t , use our voices for right causes , and understand that in this world, men and women are equal and none has the right to take the power and lead the rest? It might surprise you, the greatness we can achieve if we just worked with equality.

So when is it, that the misconception of feminism will wash away from the young minds and realize that Feminism was started for a right cause , that of equality?

About The Author:
“My thoughts are stars I want to fathom into constellations.” Bonjour! I am Bhavini Gupta and reading, writing and learning are the things I do when I am not occupied being a full-time high schooler. I like to think of myself as quite an extrovert and love to talk, just about anything honestly. Dancing and painting are often my safe place and music is my all time companion. Having huge goals, and massive competition, I am busy improving myself every second multi – tasking it with breathing and existing. So , my situation in a phrase is kind of like , ‘Just trying to be magnus opus’