Youth as Job Creator not Job Seeker

The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

India has one of the youngest populations in an aging world. By 2030, the median age in India will be just 29, compared to 37 in China, and 48 in Japan. But this scenario also brings a lot of challenges as larger the workforce, larger the requirement for jobs for them.

A demographic divide is not automatic. A lot depends on whether the bulge in working population can be trained, and enough jobs created to employ the 10 million more people who will join the labor force every year. The next viable option is to encourage people to become job creators, not job seekers.

The nation needs innovative and creative youth instead of those who go for 9 to 5. By this way, we only can secure our present not future. In most situations, people choose 9-5 life because they think it is the easiest.

The current National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has taken several initiatives in the form of ‘Start-up India’, ‘Make in India’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Skill India’ programs to empower youth as an entrepreneur.

India has 70 start ups that have cross $1-billion valuation, that is more than 7000 crores. By 2050, it is likely that the entrepreneurship history of India will be divided into pre- and post-Startup eras.

Obstacles in the way of young entrepreneurs

If youth Entrepreneurship is so game-changing, why it didn’t change things in the first place, despite the rise in technology, turns out there are two major problems in its path.

1)  Societal Factors:

According to society, success means scoring great in school, getting a good college, graduating, getting married and a secure job with a decent salary.  This forces the person to doing something which has a respectful status and considering the risk in entrepreneurship, it isn’t even considered an option.

2)  Education System:

Education system is mainly marks oriented.  This means that the only reason students are coming to school is to score good marks and go to a good college. At the end this leaves the students with meager knowledge, zero skills and creativity which are the main qualities of an entrepreneur.


The  day  Education  System  becomes  Skill  oriented,  there  will  be  drastic  change  in  the  Youth Employment, and also products that will solve problems of millions of people. That is how the youth will become, India’s Biggest Asset.

Siddhant Gautam; Class IX A Bright Day School CBSE Unit, Vasna Bhaili Road, Vadodara